

At every ICUD, distinguished guests are invited to present their vision on aspects of the field of urban drainage. We are very proud to announce the following five speakers that will give their keynotes at ICUD 2024: Prof. Dr. Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski, Wendy Francken, Prof. Dr. David McCarthy, Dr. Lena Mutzner and Prof. Dr. Michael Templeton. The speakers and their respective keynote topics can be found below.

Prof. Dr. Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski, professor at INSA Lyon in France, is an IWA fellow and winner of the Career Achievement of award at the previous edition of the ICUD . He will reflect on his 30 years of research, how the field has changed and how we still have fundamental debates in topic that he wrote his PhD thesis on.

Wendy Francken is the president of the European Water Association and Vlario, the knowledge platform for urban water in Flanders. She will present her vision for the future of the management of urban runoff using the implications and challenges of the new European Directive as the main thread of the story.

Prof. Dr. David McCarthy, the winner of the Mid-Career Award of the previous edition of the ICUD and current chair of the JCUD, will reflect on the vital role that urban drainage managers have played in managing the COVID-19 pandamic through wastewater based epidimoligy. He will set out the future of WBE and will reflect on the potential of low-cost sensing.

Dr. Lena Mutzner is a group leader at the Urban Water Management department at EAWAG. She is on the forefront of research in quantifying emerging pollutants in urban stormwater and their dynamics in grey and blue-green infrastructure. In her keynote she will paint a picture of the rapidly evolving future of stormwater quality research.

Prof. Dr. Michael Templeton, Professor of Public Health Engineering at Imperial College London and the Oxfam and Water For People / Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Global Sanitation Technology, has dedicated his research to ensuring sustainable sanitation and clean water in least-developed and lower-middle income countries where non-sewered sanitation is often key. He will give his vision on the research needs and directions to achieve sustainable and equitable (waste)water management around the globe and how this involves developments in the urban drainage field.

16th International Conference on Urban Drainage 2024

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