HomePreliminary Timetable

Preliminary Timetable

After the reviews from the scientific committee of the conference, we are happy to present the updated preliminary programme. Based on the reviews, we have made sub-themes as defined by the Scientific Programme Committee and distributed them evenly over the conference week. The final timetable, including the presentation times of individual presenters, will be finalised when all authors have confirmed and registered for the conference. The Scientific Programme Committee is now forming the actual sessions based on the allocated themes (see for a list of the themes below the preliminary programme). We will send out the final programme to all the participants when this has been confirmed.

Detailed Provisional Programme

The provisional programme is now available for downloading here. This is a provisional programme, and is subject to minor changes over the coming weeks as the last speakers register for the conference. If you have any questions or remarks, please contact us at info@icud2024.org.
This is a staging enviroment